Making healthy eating real & achievable again.

I’m a nutritionist who gets excited about pastries and pasta, but mostly seeing people thrive. I simplify nutrition to make healthy eating realistic and achievable again so that you can get on with being the best version of you. 

Because a nutritious, wholesome diet is possible for anyone - without the price tag.

Unlock the secrets to saving big on your next grocery shop.

Let’s see if I’ve got this right

—You’ve done the 6 week / 8 week / 12 week challenge at the gym, and tried the meal plans that come with them (okay, maybe you’ve done this more than once)

— You’ve attempted to cut out dairy and gluten, tried the latest fad or even the odd juice cleanse in the name of health, only to find it all super restrictive (boring?) and quite frankly, you missed good bread (who wouldn’t?)

— The thought of meal prepping is far too overwhelming but you know you need to be little more organised with your meals - you’re just not sure how.

— You walk around the grocery store feeling a little underprepared & not quite sure what products you should be buying, so you just stick to what you know.

—You’ve followed all the right people on social media to try and understand what the heck it is you’re supposed to be eating..

and yet — you still don’t feel like you’ve got this whole healthy eating thing down pat…

I’m a nutritionist who gets excited about pastries and pasta, but mostly seeing people thrive. I simplify nutrition to make healthy eating realistic and achievable again so that you can get on with being the best version of you. 

I help those who are ready to be confident in their nutrition decisions, those who want to finally understand the basics of nutrition for themselves, and those who want to eat well but don’t want to miss out on life either.

If you’re ready to tick ‘learn how to *actually* eat healthy’ off your mental check list, if you’re ready to bring ‘healthy eating’ out from under the rug you’ve been hiding it under hoping that one day it’ll sort itself out, then you’re in the right place.

Let’s do it together - let’s get it sorted but with ease and excitement, because that’s how healthy eating should be, right? 

I’ve got I’ve got just what you need to ease the tension of nutrition confusion and relieve the burden of meal planning exhaustion while nourishing your desire for good food, forever. I’ve got a place just for you.

Here’s what I know to be true -

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be hard.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be restrictive.